Submersible pumps are handy for drainage of accumulated rainwater from roads. These pumps are used in the irrigation of fields and also for pumping out underground water for drinking purposes. Wastewater management is made easier with the use of submersible pumps. Only high-quality pumps can be efficiently used for all these applications and Unnati submersible pumps match all parameters in this regard. Unnati Pumps Pvt. Ltd has been operating since 1969 and has gained the trust of innumerable customers, being the pioneer of manufacturing submersible pumps in India.
Benefits of using Unnati submersible pumps
Unnati submersible pumps are highly popular not only all over India but also in more than 50 other countries. The following facts are the main reasons for the popularity of these useful pumps.
Low Energy Consumption
Unnati submersible pumps are designed to consume minimum electricity while operating underwater. These pumps use very little energy for the suction of large volumes of water, making them the most energy-efficient devices. Thus, submersible pumps save electrical energy and the cost of operation becomes lesser for owners.
No Leakage
All Unnati submersible pumps are provided with waterproof seals and tight gaskets. So, water cannot seep inside when these machines are working underwater. The fluid inside the pump also cannot leak out into the water. Hence, there is no risk of any accident while operating it for any purpose under the water.
Space saver
The compact designs of all models of Unnati submersible pumps ensure easy placement even in small spaces. Hence, these pumps can be used in any basement or narrow spaces, to drain out water. No separate pumping station is needed for these pumps and can be used even for domestic purposes.
Easy Installation
Since priming is not needed in Unnati submersible pumps, these machines can be easily installed anywhere for urgent operation. Moreover, these pumps can be used immediately after installation, which serves the purposes for which they are needed.
Negligible Maintenance
Unnati submersible pumps are designed to function perfectly underwater. So, the pumps have the least risk of damage even when submerged under water for a long time. Moreover, these pumps are rarely damaged, as priming or replacement of air in the pipelines is not needed here. Hence, owners do not need to repair or replace parts of these submersible pumps too frequently. So, they do not need to worry about the maintenance cost of these machines.
Lesser Sound
The motor of a submersible pump rotates under water. So, the sound of its operation is hardly audible from above, as sound frequency is much different underwater. Hence, Unnati submersible pumps do not cause any sound pollution and never disturb others with any loud noise while functioning.
Highly Durable
Unnati submersible pumps are made of very high-quality materials, which do not corrode even when a pump is placed under water for hours. The jackets and shafts of the pumps are made of stainless steel. Virgin copper is used for the stator windings of these machines. Hence, these pumps last for many years without any problems in operation.
No Cavity Created
As submersible pumps function totally under water, they do not cause any cavity in the ground, unlike other types of pumps. So, people do not need to bother about repairing the ground surface after using these pumps.
Can be Used for Different Purposes
Apart from clearing accumulated water and irrigation, Unnati submersible pumps also have vital uses in many industries. These pumps are needed to throw out water from mines, from where different metals, natural gas, and crude oil can be obtained. The construction industry also makes use of these pumps, to keep building sites free from water and other liquids that can otherwise damage constructed parts. Other industries also prefer to keep these pumps at their manufacturing sites, to save their machines from accumulated rainwater during monsoon.
Usable in Remote Places
Since Unnati submersible pumps need very little electrical energy, these machines can be used even in places where electricity is rarely available. So, people can conveniently use these submersible pumps in rural and remote areas, for irrigation of cultivated lands and wastewater management.
Safe for Regular Use
Though Unnati submersible pumps run on electricity, operators do not have any risk of being electrocuted. All the electrical components of these pumps are well insulated to ensure the security of people using them. The inner parts of a submersible pump are fully sealed to prevent tampering and corrosion. The sealed body of this pump keeps all the internal parts safe from damage that could cause accidents while used underwater.
Easy Portability
Unnati submersible pumps can be carried very easily due to their lightweight and compact size. Only one person can carry a submersible pump from one site to another, as per the requirement of using that machine. Therefore, less manpower is required to handle a submersible pump.
More efficient operation
Unnati submersible pumps are capable of transferring bulk amounts of liquids from one place to another. A pump needs very little amount of kinetic energy for sucking out liquids and pouring out through its multiple outlets. Hence, it can complete its operation smoothly, without wearing out.
Wrapping Up
Various models of Unnati submersible pumps are available in the market. These pumps vary according to their sizes and capacities. People need to choose specific models according to their needs. Dehydration of wells, fighting against fire, rescue operations in mines, and also some naval operations need these pumps. High-grade engineering techniques can be noticed in the mechanism of these pumps. Every pump moves fluids from a high-pressure to a low-pressure area, which is done very quickly. Thus, these pumps are now very popular all over the country, for different purposes. Buyers can visit the most trusted brand of India, Unnati submersible pumps to get the entire product list, from where they can choose online the device that suits them the most. So, it is easier for them to buy Unnati submersible pumps now, which are the best ones in this category of mechanical appliances.